Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving!

Those of us that are political/news junkies may feel like we are a little deprived this Thanks giving. But I am here to tell you that while there may be a shadow over the land and the background music may have a more mournful tone, the ongoing drama of our lives is still aimed at a happy ending.

We still live in the greatest and freest country in the world. There are, indeed,  those that would change that. But they haven't won yet. So keep fighting the good fight.

Political commercials have gone away for a while. Both our ears and our souls needed a rest from lying liars screaming lies about other lying liars. I realize that it is just a hiatus but let's be thankful and enjoy it while it last.

Our king-like lecturer in chief and master celebrity suck-up has cut back his twice daily lecture schedule designed to make us poor incompetents understand life under the new rules. In fact I have only heard it's Bush's fault once in the past two weeks. 

Even with a reluctant press the over-reaching and incompetence of our present administration is coming to the attention of the general public. It's kind of fun to hear the nice folks that voted for Obama say with a surprised expression on their faces "I didn't know that".

But, all kidding aside, Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. Our daughters and our grandkids all live close by so we get to enjoy the holidays with them. But I prefer the calm of Thanksgiving over the frenzy of Christmas. A great turkey dinner, some conversation, and a football game or two make for a perfect day.

I hope all of you kind people that come here to read my blog have a wonderful holiday too. And for  my readers from ,now, fifty-one other countries, I wish you the joy we feel at this time of year that is so special to us. 

And God Bless The USA.

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