Sunday, June 2, 2013

It's A Free Country

Well, it used to be a free country. I can remember, it was only a few years ago that I could walk into a Walmart, buy a shotgun, some shells, and a hunting license and go chase some wily pheasant. Now to purchase firearms, you have to practically sell your soul to  the dev.., excuse me, government. If you want ammo, good luck. It is mostly “Out of Stock”.

You  can always stop and buy one of those great big cups of soda to cool down. Unless you happen to be in New York City. Those people are just so lucky to have a Mayor that realizes that they are too stupid to run their own lives so  he is obligated to do it for them.

How about going to the range and punching some holes in paper targets. That is always a good stress reliever. Not if you’re in Chicago or Washington DC. The Second Amendment does not apply in those two towns. It seems that not all America is America.

You might want to work on that Nativity Scene that you have been building to put out on the village green next Christmas season. Oh, oh, had to drop that project to. The city attorney banned it because he felt they might get sued if someone takes offense. It just seems that there are some people that are easily offended lately. Guess they just hate seeing joy in others.

I think that I have made my point. Our freedoms are eroding daily. It is worse under the Obama administration than any I can remember. Just about every president in the past has misused the power of his office for political purposes. And they usually get caught at it. But none have gone so wholesale gangster as this administration. From using the IRS to damage opposition political organizations to using the Justice Department to criminalize disliked members of the press, this administration is awash in scandals but have the gall to still stand up and face the cameras and lie, lie, lie. It has been an amazing performance. 

Not to get maudlin, but I can remember the free country of my youth. It has long gone. But what really worries me is the question, Will my grandsons be writing, fifty years from now that they remember the free country of their youth? If they do, What kind of country will they be living in?

In a recent blog I wrote about the Bernanke Bubble. I commented that it would burst one day soon. Actually, I predicted sometime after mid summer. The other evening I watched a commentator from one of the cable business programs talking about the same subject, although he did not call it the Bernanke Bubble. I enjoy listening to his analysis and respect his conclusions. We agree that the increase in the stock market is a rebound for the rich. The middle class is shrinking and all but the rich are hurting.

We differ in when the bubble will burst. He predicted five years with a Dow approaching twenty thousand. If he should be right the blow up will be an explosion. The point is that the politocrats have an iron grip on the economy to prevent it getting worse under Obama. The American economy prospers as a free economy. A politically controlled economy, reminiscent of Russia or China, will not prosper in America because we are a nation of entrepreneurs. We will become America again when the politicians loosen their grip and restore our freedoms.

One last thought before I post this, Are Obama and Christie the new Laurel and Hardy?

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