Monday, October 24, 2016

Writer's Block

I know that I haven't written much lately. Sorry about that. I don't know if I have writer's block or if it is that I am just so disgusted by this election. Hillary is trying to tell us it is "for the children". It isn't. It is about her getting power. If she and her fellow leftist democrats do, they will shred the Constitution. They have the first, the second, and the fourth amendments in their sights. Personal freedom will be gone. 

Meanwhile Trump goes around shouting like a demented twelve year old who has not yet learned to filter his speech. If it pops into his head, it comes out his mouth.

But, at least I have my Patriots. 6 and 1. Next Sunday, retribution.

A note to my southern New England friends. Your going to need a new calendar soon. There is a Massachusetts organization called Vest-A-Dog. They purchase vests and safety equipment for police K-9s. This is a great cause. Go to and buy their calendar or other products. Great dog pictures and you'll be doing good works. My favorite is March, he's family.

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