Saturday, March 9, 2013

Does History Repeat?

I was sitting quietly listening to the hum of my computer and watching the end of, I hope, the last snow storm of the year, and my mind wandered off to the history of England. I started thinking of Edward the First (Longshanks) and the resemblance to Barack Obama. I don't want to hear from you real history buffs that wish to invoke Edward the Second. We just won't go there. If Obama is Longshanks then Rand Paul must be Robert the Bruce. 

The all powerful King of England was not one to share. William Wallace fought him hard and true but Scotland was still under Longshanks thumb. Against his fathers wishes Robert the Bruce raised an Army. He went through years of hardship. He lost a wife and had his children imprisoned. But he believed.

He lost brothers. He lost life long friends. But he persevered. He persevered because above all things he loved Scotland. He outlived Edward the First and defeated Edward the Second. He freed his beloved Scotland from English rule.

Enter Rand Paul. The President has always had control of the bully pulpit. When he speaks, all must listen. There is no other voice so strong. Until last Wednesday night. A young and idealistic senator took to the Senate floor and presented the American citizens with a good old fashioned filibuster. He made his voice heard even above the bully pulpit. He even brought the liberal media to attention. And above all he brought an out of control Attorney General to heel. A good nights work by any standard.

While Rand Paul was in the Senate chamber, doing the heavy lifting, the old guard of the party were having a nice cozy dinner with the President. You know, the man that has been castigating and trying to humiliate them for the past four year. You know, the senior members of the party he was going to destroy. Sequester didn't go quite as planned so now Obama is the old Republicans best buddy. Sure, Charlie Brown, Lucy won't pull the football out this time.

It is time for the old moderate Republicans to admit they couldn't get it done. It is time for the young bulls to stand up and go for it. Lord knows they cant do worse. The ones I see on TV are smart, dedicated, vigorous, and love their country just as much as the old timers. Let's find out who will be our Robert the Bruce and win back our country.

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